April 2019

            This month we are finishing up all of our courses including Endocrine Pharmacology (where most notably we learned all about stress, what it does to our bodies, and how to cope with it), Neuropharmacology (where we learned all about novel treatments for various neurological ailments), Environmental Signaling (showcasing how closely we interact with our environment and vice versa), and Cellular Control Mechanisms (our last exam covering such topics as the role of oxygen in the cell, stroke and mitochondria, advances in endocrine pharmacology, and ion channels and cell proliferation). This semester has really flown by, and I cannot believe we are taking our last exam tomorrow! This month I was also able to wrap up my volunteer work with Girls on the Run. My team put on a bake sale at their school to raise money for the ASPCA, and I am very excited to announce that they raised over $250! We also completed our biannual 5K with every single girl crossing the finish line. Girls on the Run has been such a transformative volunteering experience for me; getting to interact closely with young girls and teach them the importance of having good character and physical exercise for the past year has been really rewarding. It also allowed me to get to know my classmates better outside of the classroom.
            It is bittersweet to be posting my last blog post today. Tomorrow is our last ever exam, and it will close out our entire Master’s program. This experience has been so incredible, and I have learned more than I ever thought possible. The faculty here at Tulane has been so engaging and encouraging, continuously inspiring us to work hard, achieve our goals, and continue further in our pursuits of science and medicine. This program has truly been an amazing experience from learning all about drugs and how they work, to meeting fantastic pioneers in the field of scientific research, hearing amazing seminars, and making incredible friends. I am truly grateful for the opportunity that I had here at Tulane, and I know I will use and value the things I learned here for the rest of my life.

April 2019: 6 hours
Total Spring 2019: 31.75 hours


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