December 2018

And just like that...the semester is over! It feels as though I've blinked and it's passed me right by. This semester has been such a fun experience full of new friendships and a tremendous amount of learning. So far we have covered inflammation, the autonomic nervous system, renal, cardiology, the gastrointestinal tract, neoplasia, laboratory skills, and the basic principles that go along with each of these systems and topics. I am very much looking forward to what next semester has to offer as we venture into topics about endocrine pharmacology, environmental effects on signaling, neuropharmacology, and so much more. I will also be continuing my community service work with Girls on the Run next semester (something I am very much looking forward to)! I will also be looking into a few other avenues for community service; I would love to get involved with programs that help the underprivileged/underserved in the New Orleans area more directly like volunteering at a homeless shelter, food bank, or medical clinic that serves the community. I would like to spend some time somewhere where I can really get to talk to people and get to know their story. There are no additional volunteer hours to add this month so until next time!

December hours: 0
Total hours: 28.5


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