September 2018

We are rapping up our first month of school this week and have already accomplished so much! I have accomplished so much on a personal level as well from moving to New Orleans from Baton Rouge, to finding my own place to call my own, to exploring all New Orleans has to offer. Our class has had time to get to know one another and form strong friendships already celebrating each other's successes (and birthdays) and supporting each other's study efforts. We have also become comfortable with our professors who have so much knowledge and advice to share. Academically we have already covered several foundational elements in Pharmacology including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, how drugs are metabolized in the body, and how several different drugs work. We have also covered numerous (almost too many to count) antibiotics, antivirals, anti-fungals, and drugs used treat HIV. Our second block exam is actually tomorrow; we will be closing out our second block with the closing of our fist month.
I was not able to accomplish any volunteering this first month of school although I have come up with some ideas. Getting settled personally and academically was a priority this month, but now that that is taken care of, October will be time to get involved. I have looked into my local Planned Parenthood clinic as well as the KIPP program for possible volunteer opportunities. Planned Parenthood is such a great resource for those who may be underprivileged in the community but still have medical needs that must be met. I have personally dealt with trying to obtain affordable medical care myself which is why I think Planned Parenthood is such an awesome organization. The KIPP program is specific to New Orleans and allows mentors time with younger students in the classroom. This is another program that speaks to me because I am the first person in my family to go to college. For many children college doesn't seem like an option. The ability to educate, advise, and encourage them in this process is something that seems very exciting. The next blog post will hold all of my new volunteering adventures so stay tuned...

September hours: 0
Total hours: 0


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